Evacuation of children in orphanges, foster care from Ukraine

Due to many years of experience in running family children’s homes and acting for the benefit of lonely and disadvantaged children, the evacuation of children from orphanages from war-torn Ukraine was initiated by Aleksander Kartasiński – president of the Happy Kids Foundation.
228 / 5 000 Wyniki tłumaczenia Our organization evacuates children in close cooperation with the Department for the Protection of Children’s Rights and Adoption of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Family and Social Policy of the Republic of Poland. The Foundation coordinates the relocation of children throughout the country in consultation with local government units. The Crisis Response Team coordinating the evacuation is headed by Aleksandra K. Wiśniewska – professionally specialized in managing humanitarian aid in response to armed conflicts, in particular in the Middle East
Working with international aid organizations, the Happy Kids Foundation also strives to build humanitarian bridges, making it possible to provide care for some evacuees in other European Union countries, which may be of fundamental importance in the further escalation of the conflict. The partner in evacuation issues is the United Nations initiative that brings together sustainable business: UN Global Compact Network Poland, which both mobilizes private sector entities to provide long-term assistance and reacts in current crisis situations.
The process of evacuating thousands of Ukrainian children from orphanages and custody by the Children’s Aid Foundation consists, on the one hand, in:
- locating orphanages, foster families or other forms of custody in Ukraine that require immediate evacuation from war zones,
- assistance in reaching the Ukrainian-Polish border,
- efficient takeover of evacuated children from reception points at border crossings.
on the other hand to:
- obtaining places for at least a medium-term stay that meet the appropriate housing conditions and are adapted to the needs of evacuated groups of children so as to create conditions not worse than those in which they operated before,
- cooperation with local governments in the field of care for the victims of the war, maintaining the required support and supervision procedures,
- organizing transport throughout the country,
- ongoing monitoring of the situation of children in new places by maintaining relations with the organizers of institutions and supporting their activities in minimizing the effects of trauma experienced by children,
- providing the necessary psychological, medical, legal and other assistance,
- meeting the material needs of the charges.
Many years of experience of the team of the Happy Kids Foundation, expert knowledge in the field of foster care and effective response to humanitarian crises, as well as international contacts with organizations working for children, allow the Foundation to take further steps aimed at developing a systemic solution to the problem of children of war: creating a model based on real, long-term and comprehensive childcare, with the involvement of public services, social workers and specialized non-governmental organizations.
Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom Happy Kids uses its over 20 years of experience in providing comprehensive support to disadvantaged and lonely children. Our systemic supporting activities, including The Foundation’s 17 own family orphanages confirm the fact that it is possible to change the fate of children in an effective way, so that in the future they will function on an equal basis with their peers growing up in typical biological families.
Due to the intensity of military operations and the cruelty of the Russian aggressors towards the Ukrainian civilian population, our activities focus on saving as many children as possible in the shortest possible time. It is worth emphasizing that we are dealing with extremely fragile and defenseless creatures, which is an additional difficulty in the evacuation process and requires special competences.
The donations will be allocated to the immediate needs: transport, food, cleaning products, clothes, as well as specialist medical treatment, psychological therapy and legal care.
Bank accounts
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